Post image for Expression Flowers

Expression Flowers

by artist having fun on April 11, 2010

I worked for an hour exploring Expression Flowers logo but he decided to just use one of my flower photos for his mother’s business card.

Expression Flowers

Bad boss and his red tie

by artist having fun on April 7, 2010

Still adding illustrations. I started this one in Jesse Reno’s class many moons ago. Ended up using it at work for a story on Bad Bosses.

Mad boss painting

Old work keeps popping up

by artist having fun on March 15, 2010

Organizing folders on my computers is cathartic. This is what I did at many years ago, before we had “grids”, we had “stages”. Where we would showcase the story of the day or special series.


Color inspiration

by artist having fun on March 14, 2010

I love color combos! I use to make lots of polygons in Adobe Illustrator, mix, overlay and cut apart and have a great color scheme. Everyone does this now. Taking an image with colors you adore and adding filter/pixelate/mosiac in Adobe Photoshop and coming up with some great combinations. Colour Lovers blog. Color Schemer blog.


Living longer

by artist having fun on March 14, 2010

It is an enormous chore cleaning out, organizing 15+ years of work. I keep coming across pieces that maybe weren’t used but that I love. This one is an example of that.

Living Longer


Rabbi Harold Kushner

by artist having fun on March 14, 2010

I really needed to hear this on KUOW this morning. An interview with Rabbi Harold Kushner, who wrote When Bad Things Happen to Good People and Overcoming Life’s Disappointment. He was talking about not completing everything he had set out to do in his life and how to overcome the disappointment of not achieving certain goals. I am feeling a lot like that lately. Maybe I need to read that book. You should listen to the entire interview, it is really touching.

“In his seventh decade, Kushner wrote Overcoming Life’s Disappointments. He says that when people look back on life, they realize that many things they had their hearts set on doing remain incomplete.”Does that brand your life as a failure? Or can you find the secret … of failing and not feeling like a failure?” Kushner says. “The difference between a person who has a happy old age and the person who has an unhappy old age is not how successful they were, but it’s how much the things they failed at continue to gnaw at them. And no matter what you’ve achieved, if you’re not able to still that little voice of disappointment, you are never going to be happy.”

I think about the quilts I want to make, the clothes, the paintings, the postcards, the graphics, the illustrations, the assemblage art, my projects that fill up my “little book of big ideas” … my list is long. I so want to accomplish just a few of my ideas, see them fail or succeed. Maybe I should re-define my list? Go check out my Mondo Beyondo list and see if it is too ambitious? But there is my book and I can scratch that off my list now.

Sorry, not much blogging this week. I am a woman obsessed with organizing the photos and files on my computer. I know I have deleted thousands of images. It all started during the book production, trying to find photos I knew I had, but just not where I had them. And my book, just tweaking. Making postcards.

I spent the most wonderful hour with my neighbor, who went through my book with me, page by page, flower by flower. We had a great discussion about the “quietness” of the book. No captions, nothing to take away from the peacefulness of each image. She was touched, and I was touched that she got the book in such a way. In the vein it was intended. Remarkable. I get a little embarrassed when talking about my book and taking compliments. Difficult for me not to turn red. But I was so thrilled to hear Julie’s take on my images. Thank you!


One more WordPress get-together

by artist having fun on February 3, 2010

Meeting Rick and the class to go over many details that we didn’t get to last Saturday.

Sweet Dreams

by artist having fun on January 30, 2010

I have taken a WordPress class to start a website for my artistic family.